Death and Decorations
Death and Decorations is a horror-themed Christmas anthology and a Top Ten Finisher in the 2016 P & E Reader's Poll! My tale, A Home for Christmas, is about a young street waif, Melanie, who sells her homemade Christmas ornaments to help feed her little sister—so she says. But her sister isn't the only one who's hungry!
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Human 76
My tale in this post-apocalyptic anthology is The Song of Aiden. It tells of Maeve, a young and naïve girl, who arrives from the barren Northlands to live with her cousin, Kendra. She is forced to grow up quickly, however, when a blossoming relationship ends tragically by confronting not only the dark forces of the Alliance, but Human 76 herself!
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Grimm & Grimmer: Volume III
This is an anthology of "revised" fairy tales! Mine is The Fisherman and His Wife. Here, Ralph and Wanda don't have the best life together, but they've learned to make do. When Ralph catches a magic fish, however, Wanda's greed has her barking up the wrong tree!
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Dead Men's Tales
My book: Skarett's Treasure. In it, life hasn't gone as Thomas had hoped, but when unforeseen circumstances bring him to the beautiful Maria's door, he thinks his luck has changed. It gets even better when, under Captain Skarett's command, he finds a valuable treasure. The way it all works out, however, is just a little hard to swallow!
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Haiku of the Dead
Haiku of the Dead is a collection of zombie-themed haiku by Dreamscape Press. Yes, I have a haiku about zombies in this collection. I'm not sure I want to tell anyone. Unfortunately, this book s not available as an inexpensive e-book, only as a paperback. My contribution is called Hunting Season.